Ray J sounds off at a blog site for digging up old dirt. The site pulled up an old audio of Ray J talking about how Kim K had the stinky ill nana. Oh my!

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Ray J says Kim’s vag smelled so bad, he thought he had a STD. Ray told the radio personality,

“I went to the doctor and I asked the doctor, “Look, check me first. Okay, I’m good? What’s up with my girlfriend’s coochie? It’s ridiculous!” He said, “Look, an older dude just walked in here and was like, ‘my wife’s vagina smells so bad … it’s unbearable. What do I do?” He said, “The first thing you do is tell ’em. Tell ’em that it smells bad.” And I was like, “How? There’s no way that I could.” I jumped up and was like, “Can you call her?” Cuz I can’t take this no more.”

Ray did as the doctor said and told Kim.

“When I told KK … that was it. And that pussy was fresh. She went and … it was … most of the time, it was a yeast infection.”

Ray tried to lighten up the situation a bit by saying,

“A lot of times, girls wear thongs with colors on them and it phucks up something down there and it’s just an odor, sometimes. Sometimes the pussy stink. Sometimes you got an STD. All these things fly up in people’s minds. But most of the time, when guys think the pussy stink think they think you got an STD.”

Ray J blasts the site for putting the audio up saying that its old and he is in a better place now. Gladly Ray J has grown up but sheesh. That interview was deep