Joseph Brooks Oscar-Winning Songwriter Accused Of Rape Commits Suicide!!

Writer of the Oscar-winning song “You Light Up My Life” Joseph Brooks Took his own life in his eastside apartment Sunday. Brooks Had an open case in which he was being charged with rape. Hit the jump to read the rest of the story. @funkflex

Top French Official Arrested for Allegedly For Sodomizing Hotel Maid!

The French political bigshot who heads the International Monetary Fund was arrested for allegedly sodomizing a Manhattan hotel maid today. He almost got away with it but the NYPD found him just in time and hauled him off an Air France flight just moments before takeoff from Kennedy Airport. Read more after the jump!! @Funkmasterflex

MLB: Former Mets Clubhouse Manager Charlie Samuels Arrested

Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl The New York Mets longtime clubhouse manager amassed a secret hoard of baseballs, hats, bats and uniforms, including an autographed 1986 World Series warm-up jersey, that he intended to use to fund his retirement, prosecutors said Wednesday in announcing his arrest on stolen property and fraud charges.

Tech Talk Alert: NYC Getting Emergency Broadcasting Phones!!!

NYC You Better P.L.A.N. on getting messages from the city this later this year! Hit the Jump to know what’s up! @TatWZA

9/11 Responders To Be Screened For Ties To Terrorism

Those that responded to 9/11 in my eyes are heros!!! They ran into chaos as the rest of NYC/Washington ran away from all the madness…to add insult to injury, a new provision is being added to the 9/11 health bill that the thousands of heros will now have their names run through FBI’s terrorism watch list. To me this is basically saying that you aren’t a hero anymore, you can possibly want to kill the country that you tried to save on that crazy, unbelievable, still very shocking day!! @Ash_Bankz

Flex Flick: Police sneaky in the cut on empire and rogers in brooklyn!!!


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