More Than 30 People Killed During Tornado Storms

More than 30 people have been killed in Alabama, Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio due to tornado storms. Tornadoes have been ripping through the states for the past few days. The massive thunderstorms and tornadoes have put millions of people in the states in danger and without power. Power lines are down, cellphone towers are down, cars have been tossed around, and more Read more after the jump. Julie1205

Ouch! Wrestler Sues Opponent & Promoter Over Lost Testicle

Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl A pro wrestler is suing his opponent and the promoter who arranged their bout last year, claiming his rival was supposed to lose but instead kicked him so hard in the crotch that one of his testicles had to be removed.

Nelson Mandela Hospitalized

Former South African President and peacemaker Nelson Mandela was hospitalized last night due to a stomach alignment. The 93-year-old was not rushed to the hospital and he remains in good health dispute the abdominal pains and discomfort he is having. Mandela is expected to make a full recovery. Read more below. Julie1205

NBA All-Star Weekend Festivities Kick Off Tonight! Check The Details!

Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl Can’t Wait! There’s going to be a lot going on this weekend! The new Stadium of the Orlando Magic will host all the All-Star Weekend games & contests between Feb. 24-26th. To make sure you don’t miss anything, check out what’s on tap after the jump…

NBA: 2012 All-Star Weekend This Weekend! Check The Who, What & When

Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl Can’t Wait! There’s going to be a lot going on this weekend! The new Stadium of the Orlando Magic will host all the All-Star Weekend games & contests between Feb. 24-26th. To make sure you don’t miss anything, check out what’s on tap after the jump…

The 10 Best Workouts For Your Sex Life

This post is geared towards the ladies, but maybe some fellas should read it too: Working out helps boosts your mood, jump-starts your sex drive and improves your overall health (duh.) but sometimes the treadmill can get a bit boring. Right? Well “sexy workouts” can be a fun, effective solution.  Check out some of the top ten best workouts for your sex life after the jump! Wendy L.

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