Cleveland Looking To Obtain An Outside Agency To Investigate The Death Of Tamir Rice

November 22, 2014 12-year-old Tamir Rice was shot and killed by Cleveland police officer, Timothy Loehmann. Rice was carrying a toy gun and Loehmann instantly reacted with deadly force. Since the fatal shooting, The Cleveland Division of Police has taken up an investigation involving excessive force from officers, however they are now hoping to hand the investigation of Tamir Rice’s death over to the Cuyahoga County sheriff’s office. Hit the jump for the details.

NFL: Browns’ Andrew Hawkins Wears “Justice for Tamir Rice” Shirt, Cleveland Police Calls it “Pathetic”

Players around the NBA and NFL continue to use their platform to spread awareness and take a stand against the growing number of black men killed by the police.  This week Cleveland Browns wide receiver Andrew Hawkins wore a T-shirt reading “Justice for Tamir Rice and John Crawford III” during pregame warmups and introductions.  Apparently that didn’t go over too well with the Cleveland police department.

Autopsy Of Tamir Rice Released By Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner’s Office

The Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner’s Office has released the autopsy report for Tamir Rice the 12-year-old who was fatally shot by a Cleveland police officer on Nov. 22 today. Find out more inside.

Tamir Rice’s Mom Speaks Out With New, Awful Details: “I Want Police Conviction”

The mother of 12-year-old Tamir Rice, who was shot and killed by police in Cleveland for a toy gun, is speaking out, and has revealed sad new details in the story. After 2 neighborhood kids delivered the news about her son (and NOT the police, smh), Samiria Rice made her way to the park, and this is how the cops treated her:

I noticed my son laying down on the ground and I went charging and yelling and everything at the police because they wouldn’t let me through. Then I seen my daughter in the back of the police car — the same car that the shooter got out of. As I was trying to get through to my son, the police told me to calm down or they would put me in the back of a police car.

Can you imagine how traumatic that must have been? The family filed a lawsuit Friday against the city of Cleveland and the two officers, Timothy Loehmann and Frank Garmback, involved. The lawsuit alleges excessive force, assault and battery and wrongful death in its causes of action. Naturally, they are asking for a conviction. Check out the full statement Tamiria made below, speaking out for the first time to local media since the Nov. 22 incident. RIP, Tamir Rice!

(VIDEO) Mothers of Slain Boys Do Interview Together; Martin, Brown, Garner and Rice Appear On CNN

Mothers of Slain Boys Do Interview Together, Mothers of Micheal Brown, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner and Trayvon Martin joined together on Friday for an exclusive first time interview with Anderson Cooper. When discussing the deaths of their sons it was racism that seemed to be the common denominator for all four mothers. Read more inside.

(Photo) Kim Kardashian And A Couple Of Other Celebs Moms Speak On Their Sons Safety

  A lot has happen this passed week, don’t know what this world is coming to? but a couple of celebs are scared for their African American children.

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