(Video) NBA: Michael Jordan & Jimmy Butler Get Into Shooting Contest At Jordan’s Summer Camp

Jimmy Butler is already very familiar with Michael Jordan and yesterday he got to see MJ’s competitive nature up close and personal. Butler, who actually signed with Jordan Brand this summer, was in California to help out at Jordan’s “First Flight Camp” at UC-Santa Barbara. As you might expect, even at age 52, Jordan and his young camp teammate won the shootout and the kid got himself a free pair of Jordan’s for doing so.

(Photos) NFL: Damn, Even Meek Mill’s Hometown Eagles Seem To Be Siding With Drake

Philadelphia might be the city of brotherly love but it has been hard for Meek Mill to find love anywhere outside of his relationship with Nicki Minaj. After the majority of people felt severely let down with “Wanna Know”, Meek’s response record to Drake, he has just been getting roasted left and right. It’s even so bad now that the Phildelphia Eagles seem to be much more enthusiastic about Drake then Meek, according to one of the team’s reporters.

(Video) NFL: Football Season Is Officially Here As Dez Bryant Starts Brawl At Cowboys Practice

It’s that time of year again for football fans as the anticipation of the new season fills the air. That means training camps are finally under way and there ALWAYS are fights during these hot summer practices. Hot days combined with ego’s, testosterone and physical contact pretty much guarantees a couple fights will pop off over the course of the next few weeks. At Cowboys practice, Dez Bryant must still be amped up over his new contract because he was out there throwing punches already.

(Video) Sports: Drake Says He Hasn’t Taken A Loss All Week During Kickball Game With Lebron, KD & More

Drake is clearly not above kicking a man when he is down because he just reminded Meek Mill and the rest of us he hasn’t lost at anything all week. Drake has all the stars out in the “6” this weekend for OVO Fest, with some of those stars being Lebron James & Kevin Durant. Both of whom have made it clear on twitter that they are team Drake. The shot from Drizzy came via Bleacher Report’s “Uninterrupted” Uninterrupted is a platform that allows personalities to connect with fans on a much deeper level, with insight and content not fit for other platforms, media outlets or channels.

(Video) NBA: Lebron James Appears In Trailer For Season Two Of “Survivor’s Remorse”

Initially, Starz series Survivor’s Remorse was touted as being “inspired by LeBron James.” Gradually, leading up to the series’ premiere his role was redefined, and eventually he was largely treated as a silent executive producer with a big name. Well, it looks like James will be more involved for season two, including making his first guest appearance on the show.

NFL: Anonymous Jets Players Want Sheldon Richardson Gone, Saying They Never Liked Him Anyway

I hate when the word anonymous gets used because that allows people to talk really brave. Someone will have much more courage to talk tough or call someone out if they know it can’t get back to them. Apparently there are multiple Jets players saying they do not want Sheldon Richardson anywhere near the team from now on after his arrest for reckless driving. It doesn’t seem so much the driving itself is what bothered them, but more so the lies and constant issues surrounding him. Oh and not too mention having a 12 year old in the car when he was being reckless.

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