Auto:(Video) Baby Gets Thrown From Car & Survives (Graphic Video)

Another example of why you should ALWAYS have a small child in a car seat, NO exceptions!! This SUV gets hit and starts to slide from side to side and if you focus on the left side of the screen you see the baby literally fly out of the window. The fact the baby survived is truly a miracle because you can see how the tractor trailer passing comes literally within inches of running her over and not even knowing she was there. A passer by notices the child and runs over as fire starts to come from the SUV that was hit. Thank God for that man. Check the video below. IamJOE357

Auto:(Video) Girl Gets Ran Over By Motorcycle, Then Kicked In The Street!

I’m not gonna lie, this girl made a bad decision yesterday trying to run across the street with a motorcycle coming, but it’s disgusting what else happened. As you will see, a girl tries to cross the street when a speeding bike completely takes her out and her body literally slides down the street. Somehow, the scumbag on the bike didn’t really get hurt, and with the girl laying there motionless, he decides to stomp on her. I guess his crappy bike is worth more than a life. Check the video below. IamJOE357

Uh-Oh! Sharon Osbourne Set Her House On Fire?!

Sharon Osbourne has an angel looking over her…as she almost burnt her house down last night but was thankfully saved! The fire department came to the house at 4:45am today…all because of a candle! Luckily, no significant damage was done. More details below. Marisa Mendez

Auto(Video) LMAO! Watch What Happens, You Wont Expect It

The video starts off simple enough. Friends are trying to help out another friend who got his jeep a little to far into the water on the beach. As you start to watch, you are going to imagine many different things that could go wrong or wind up being funny. Out of everything I thought of, I NEVER thought about what actually winds up happening. One of the guys appears hurt, but the way it happens is so funny I could not stop laughing anyway. I don’t wanna ruin it for anyone, so check the video below. IamJOE357

Auto:(Video) Crazy Hit&Run Caught On Camera

This just happened 2 days ago and thankfully the driver has already been caught and arrested and charged with attempted murder. This low life went out of his way to run over a girl walking because “she took too long”. Like WTF? who says that? Anyway he is locked up now but this video is crazy. Watch the video below after the jump and I guarantee you will have the same reaction. The action starts around 1:25 in the clip. IamJOE357

Auto:(Video) Bull Gets Loose On Highway, Attacks Cop

I doubt when this traffic cop went to work this day the last thing he ever imagined doing was being face to face with an angry bull. That is exactly what happened a couple days ago in Florida. A tractor trailer carrying 32 bulls went off the road and wound up it’s side. Most of the bulls dealt with the crash fine by staying put, but one of them was not in the mood. He ran up onto the highway and as you will see had traffic backed up and when a sheriff tries to get in his way he just runs right through him and flips him. If you listen at the end off camera you can hear the police letting those guns off at the bull. Check the video below. IamJOE357

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