(Video & Photo) NBA: Dwight Howard Likes To Call Mike D’Antoni “Coach Pringles”

If you’re an NBA fan, you’ve probably seen the above picture comparing coach Mike D’Antoni to the guy on the pringles can because of the resemblance.  Well it looks like Dwight Howard enjoys the resemblance and calls D’Antoni “Coach Pringles.”  I wonder what the coach thinks about it?!  I could be wrong, but I have a feeling that he gets this all the time. Lol.  Video after the jump…

NBA Report: Cavs Are Looking to Rehire Mike Brown As Bryon Scott’s Replacement

Mike Brown was the most successful coach in the Cleveland Cavaliers history but he also had the best player in the world on his roster.  Once Brown failed to win a chip, he got the boot and Lebron flew the coop.  Now that things haven’t worked out and the Cavs fired Bryon Scott, they’re reportedly looking to bring Mike Brown back.  Read more after the jump.

NFL: Tim Tebow Instructor Takes Shots at Mark Sanchez & The Jets!

And the Jets drama continues! Thank goodness I’m a Giants fan, I don’t know how you Jets fans put up with all the circus acts! SMH. Steve Clarkson, Tim Tebow’s personal quarterback instructor, had a lot to say in a phone interview yesterday with reporters.  Check it out & let us know what you think…

NBA: Yep, Kobe’s Got A Plan To Call Some Shots From Home & Did It Last Night!!

Just because he had surgery that will sideline him for 6-9 months doesn’t mean he’s going to take it laying down!  Watch … Kobe’s coming back, he’s not going out like that.  The Black Mamba  just had surgery on Saturday and is supposed to be laid up for 2 weeks…well that’s not stopping him from being a #boss & helping out his team!  Check out what his plan was & how he put it into effect last night…

NBA: NY Knicks Waive Kurt Thomas & Offer Him a Coaching Position

The New York Knicks waived veteran forward Kurt Thomas on Friday.  His time with the team isn’t done however as coach Mike Woodson offered him a special job.  Read more after the jump.

NCAA: Rutgers Fires Men’s Basketball Coach Mike Rice

Well duh.  This should have been done immediately.  In several dozen hours of video of Rutgers mens basketball practices, coach Mike Rice was seen hurling basketballs from close range at his players’ heads, legs and feet; shoving and grabbing his players; feigning punching them; kicking them; and screaming obscenities and homophobic slurs.  Mike Rice has now been fired.  Details after the jump…

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