(Photos) Chris Brown… NOT The Father???

Nice to see Chris Brown taking part in some Instagram comedy, instead of getting offended by some crazy fans or arguing with anyone.  He uploaded a pic,probably made by a fan, of a Maury meme with him in the pics claiming… Hit the jump Steph B

(Video) 5 Maury Moments That Will Have You Dying!!!

Maury has many awkward moments on his show, ones that are unbelievable, but certainly makes us laugh! If you are having a bad day, hit the jump this may uplift your spirits! Either your life is better than the people in the following videos or you may just want a good laugh. Steph B

CBS Is Developing A Comedy For Comedian Jim Gaffigan !!!

CBS handed out a pilot order on Friday to an untitled comedy project starring comedian Jim Gaffigan! Gaffigan, who starred in a short-lived CBS comedy in 2001, is going to star in the project and co-write with Rescue Me’s Peter Tolan. Russ B

Jimmy Kimmel Said WHAT About Jay Leno, While Doing WHAT???

Jimmy Kimmel recently had an interview with Rolling Stone magazine where he did not bite his tongue and revealed what he thought of Jay Leno.  He said that Jay Leno is a sell out and is really a “has been.”  Regardless of what he thinks of the comedic veteran, the interview was done while both the interviewer and Kimmel were high! They were smoking together and Jimmy was feeling the bond and criticized his opponent. Steph B

(Video)True Life: I Can’t Stop Twerking!!! Are You Serious?!?

True Life: I Can’t Stop Twerking though? I don’t know if MTV signed off on this, but this little video had me rolling. For all my ladies that wake up with that uncontrollable urge to twerk something, you are not a lone. There are women out there just like you, here are their stories! Check the video out for more. PaulDaPro

Comedian Blast Kanye For Wearing Odd Mask During Performance!!

Earthquake roasted Kanye on twitter after photos of the style savvy rapper went viral featuring him wearing a feathery white mask. The Comedian was thoroughly celebrated after he wont off on a rant about the mask, even likening Kanye to a creature from The Never Ending Story. I’m sure Kanye isn’t phased by this but check the Gallery to see how Earthquake was going in on my man Yeezy. PaulDaPro

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