(Photo) Miley Cyrus Clearly Is Not A Trump Fan

Today Miley Cyrus took to Instagram to share her thoughts on Donald Trump. She clearly isn’t a fan.

Joe Scarborough Says Donald Trump Playing Dumb About The KKK Is Disqualifying

MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough has a few things to say about good ol’ Donald Trump. Trump recently said he has no idea who or what the KKK is after David Duke told people to vote for Trump in order to protect the legacy of racism.

(Video) WTF: Donald Trump Says He Needs To Research Who The KKK Is Because He Knows Nothing About Them

On today’s episode of “WTF Donald Trump,” Donald Trump says that he needs to research what the KKK is because he isn’t aware of who they are. We are getting closer and closer to the 2016 elections and a possible presidential candidate isn’t aware of what the KKK is. The reason why the KKK has been brought up is because Grand Wizard, David Duke, said that he would like to endorse Trump and is calling all white supremacists to vote for Trump. Check out what dumb ass Trump said after the jump.

Former KKK Grand Wizard Tells People To Vote For Donald Trump In Order To Protect Legacy Of Racism

Former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard, David Duke, spoke about Donald Trump on his show, David Duke Radio Program. He told listeners that voting against Trump is considered Treason. Although he himself is not endorsing Trump as of yet, he is asking his listeners to do so.

Bun B Reports From Trump Rally In South Carolina

Bun B has always taken a healthy interest in politics, helping to inform the hip-hop community about what’s going on. Teaming up with VICE, the Trill OG has taken to the Trump campaign trail to shed a light on the racism what’s going on from that side of things. The result? Exactly what you think it would be… “As Trump takes the stage, complimenting the sportsmen who introduced him as ‘very rich and very nice,’ I get it,” Bun reported. “This isn’t about politics. This is about a famous person from television coming to town.” He continues after the jump.

(Video) Politics: Jeb Bush Drops From Presidential Campaign

Former Florida governor Jeb Bush has announced that he dropped out if the Republican race for US president after failing to rank high in the first three state primaries. He came a distant fourth in Saturday’s South Carolina vote, which was won by billionaire estate mogul Donald Trump. He said “Today I am suspending my campaign,” to a crowd of his supporters who were very emotional. Read the rest of the story after the jump.

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