NBA: Lakers Want Klay Thompson As Part of 3-Team Deal Sending Kevin Love to Warriors

Kevin Love is the most coveted trade asset right now and several teams are after him including the Boston Celtics, Denver Nuggets and Golden State Warriors.  Initial talks between the Minnesota Timberwolves and Warriors stalled but now the Los Angeles Lakers are trying to get involved.

NBA: Steve Kerr Reportedly Wants 5-Year, $30 Million Contract

Despite not having any prior head coaching experience, Steve Kerr is a hot commodity around the NBA.  With the Knicks and Warriors ousting Mike Woodson and Mark Jackson, those are reportedly the two teams Kerr is deciding between.  It’s also reported that Kerr is leaning more towards the Knicks and with his asking price that’s where he’s more likely to get his wish.

NBA: Warriors Reach Out to Stan Van Gundy For Head Coach Position

The Golden State Warriors fired head coach Mark Jackson after rumors of disruption between him and the Warriors staff.  The new job opening is quite an attractive one with the Warriors greatly improving over the past two years.  It’s good enough to even attract a coach who’s been highly sort out but has remained on the market.

NBA: Clippers & Warriors Have Confrontation in Hallway After Game 7

The Los Angeles Clippers and Golden State Warriors have been at each other’s throat all season so it was very fitting that the two teams met in the playoffs.  It was an exciting series as expected and the Clippers ultimately won game 7 in LA taking them to the second round.  Things didn’t end on the court however as reports say an altercation occurred in the hallway.

NBA: Jermaine O’Neal Says Feeling is ‘no matter what happens, our coach won’t be our coach next year’

Despite denials from Warriors owner Joe Lacob, there’s been whisperings that head coach Mark Jackson will not be the head coach next year.  There’s been assistant firings and secret recordings, all causing drama around a team that should be focusing on the playoffs.  They won game 6 against the Los Angeles Clippers to force a game 7 but Jermaine O’Neal says no matter what happens he feels like Jackson will be gone.

(Photo) NBA: Warriors Fans Bring Great Signs For Donald Sterling to Warriors/Clippers Game

Many people are reacting to Donald Sterling’s racist comments against black people.  The backlash of course has brought a lot of attention to the Clippers vs. Warriors game 4 at the Oracle arena in Oakland.  While the Clippers players themselves decided to wear black arm bands and socks to show solidarity, Warriors fans came up with a great sign for Sterling.

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