(Video) Black Lives Matter Activist Confronts Hillary Clinton About Black Incarceration

Hillary Clinton has been confronted by a Black Lives Matter activist in the state of South Carolina during a fundraiser. When questioned to apologize to black people for “mass incarceration”, Clinton failed to address the activist before she was escorted away after causing an uproar from the crowd. Hit the jump.

Bernie Sanders Supporter Tries To Place Obituary For Hillary Clinton/Gets Called From The Secret Service

That’s a new one…not your usual type of political humor, but none the less – a good try. A very dedicated Bernie Sanders supporter, tried to place an obituary for current presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, before that idea was thwarted by the Secret Service. Hit the jump.

Bernie Sanders Says He Disagrees With Hillary Clinton On Virtually Everything

Bernie Sanders made it plain and simple that he is not a huge fan of his Democratic competitor Hillary Clinton. If you keep up with the presidential debates, you will see that the two go toe to toe all the time. In a speech Sanders made on Thursday, he made it very clear in his statement that he “disagrees with Hillary Clinton in virtually every way.”

(Photo) Hillary Clinton Says Eric Garner Deserved Punishment Not Death

Hillary Clinton released a statement on her thoughts about the Eric Garner case. Eric Garner was killed by police after being choked for illegally selling loose cigarettes.

(Video) Black Student Activist Interrupt Hillary Clintons Speech

Hillary Clinton was interrupted by a slew of Black student activist today at her criminal justice speech in Atlanta. Her speech came to a calm as one student yelled out “Black Lives Matter.”

Hillary Clinton Fundraiser In NYC Was Hosted By Convicted Drug Dealer

This past Thursday, Hillary Clinton attended a New York City fundraising event hosted for her by a convicted drug dealer.

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