(Photo) NFL: After Leaving Hospital For Neck Surgery Ricardo Lockette Buys Food For 100 Homeless People

Seattle Seahawks wide receiver Ricardo Lockette did an amazing thing on the way home from his neck surgery, handing out 100 cheeseburgers to homeless people.

(Video) Justin Timberlake Apologizes For ‘Homeless Video’, Denies It Was Played At His Wedding

Earlier in the week, a video surfaced that was made by Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel’s friends depicting homeless people that were pretending to be friends of the couple, wishing them well. The video was rumored to be played during the couple’s wedding ceremony last week in Italy. Justin is now speaking out saying that not only was the video not played at his wedding, he knew nothing about it, would never partake in something like that, his friends shouldn’t have made the video, and he is making his friend do 100 hours of community service. Justin wrote a long and very sincere letter to his fans apologizing for the misunderstanding and called the video “distasteful.” Watch the video and see the letter below. Julie A.

Woman Comes Home, Finds House INFESTED With HOMELESS PEOPLE

Julia High came home to find her house infested with homeless gypsies. Gypsies are homeless people who notoriously create havoc. This group of them claimed the house was theirs and WRECKED EVERY ROOM! Details after the jump. Emma Rabid

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