40 Laws Set To Go In Effect At Midnight

Over 40,000 state laws are set to go in effect as soon as the clock strikes twelve tonight. Some of them are positive improvements to our country and others are more interesting. Hit the jump to read the full story and see all the different types of laws going into effect! Wendy L.

Tech Talk News: Check Out Which Tech Company The Justice Dept. Is Now Investigating!!!

A popular tech company is under fire for antitrust laws and their e-book sales. Check out who it is after the jump. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Tech Talk News: UK PM Proposes Banning Facebook And Twitter

The UK riots currently heard around the world may get the cone of silence. The UK Prime Minister wants to keep what his London police do a secret from the rest of the world. So, he proposed to cut off Londers’ access to facebook and twitter. Either way, something is about to blow up. Details after the jump. Tat WZA WZA on Google+ X Emma Rabid

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