The Michael Dunn Verdict, For The Death Of Jordan Davis Is In

In the case of the fatal shooting of 17 year old Jordan Davis, over loud music, Micheal Dunn has been convicted of attempted murder.

IFWT Remembers Trayvon Martin On His Birthday! #HoodiesUp

Today would have been Trayvon Martin’s 19th birthday. Mere weeks after turning 18, Martin was gunned down by nationally disliked person, George Zimmerman. However, instead of dwelling on the idiot who took the young boy’s life, we’re going to celebrate his life. From IFWT, R.I.P.! Find out more on what’s going on with the ‘Stand Your Ground’ law in Florida, down bottom.

Teenager Gunned Down For Listening To Loud Hip Hop

The tragic stories of being racially profiled in America are endless. While Trayvon Martin is a focus right now, and should be, we can’t forget the others who are have the same scenario played out for them. Jordan Davis, another 17 year-old Florida resident, was listening to loud hip hop music in his car, when a man nearby in a separate car, Michael Dunn, told his girlfriend that he hated “thug music” at the convenience station that they both happened to be at the same time.

Jordan Davis’s Killer Has Officially Been Charged With First Degree Murder

So, it’s official, Michael Dunn has been charged with first-degree murder in the shooting of Jordan Davis. This nonsense just needs to stop. Initially Dunn was arrested and charged with second degree murder. He pled not guilty and sat in prison waiting for his arraignment. Due to the NEW charges he has another arraignment, which is dated for December 17th. Such an advocate for ‘Justice for Jordan’ especially since I blast #MY music all the time (in a respectable manner of course). Stop the violence and drop down bottom for more. JaaiR (JR)

Who Else Was In The Car When Jordan Davis Got Shot !?!?

Of course, someone had to find the bad in this situation. Tommie Stornes, was one of the three friends in the car when, Michael Dunn shot and killed him. Whomever, dug up a criminal background on Stornes, which stated that he was on probation for a robbery that he committed last year. Now, I’m NOT condoning his behavior in 2011, but who cares. Jordan Davis is the one who lost his life, NOT Tommie Stornes! #SHAMEful. Drop down bottom for more. JaaiR (JR)

Do We Have Another George Zimmerman On Our Hands ???

This sounds all too familiar. Florida man, Michael Dunn got into a confrontation with Jordan who was 17 years old, because he was in a car with three other friends and his music was loud. Dunn says that he THOUGHT Davis had a shotgun, and the other passengers in the car threatened him. The big questions is, how are they going to enforce the ‘Stand Your Ground Law’ in Florida. A law that allows you to protect yourself when you fell threatened, but this is just an excuse for a guy like Dunn. The family of Davis doesn’t want to make this about Dunn, but who Jordan was and make him the focus for justice. I hope they get it. Justice for Jordan. Drop down bottom for more. JaaiR (JR)

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