(PHOTO) Sports: Lol, The Baltimore Ravens Take A Shot At Miami Heat Fans With Parade Pic!

It’s always something isn’t it?!  Now we have an NFL team mocking an NBA team — but I’m not mad at this after seeing what bandwagon fans the Miami Heat really have.  The Baltimore Ravens tweeted out a picture of their championship parade compared to the Miami Heat championship parade.  I got a good giggle from it.  Check it out…

NBA: Specific Item Banned From Miami Heat Parade Today

If you’re attending the Miami Heat parade today to celebrate their NBA title, you’re going to need to know this information. Report after the jump…

(Video) 12 Shot During New Orleans Mother’s Day Parade?!?

In a very tragic turn of events, 12 people were shot during what was supposed to be a happy event in New Orleans. The yearly parade is usually friendly, but this year, shots rang out in the 7th Ward, on a corner where there was over 200 people celebrating Mother’s Day. The youngest victim was a 10 year-old girl, with the other victims getting hit in the arms and legs. The New Orleans Police Department is on the lookout for three suspects seen connected to the event. Check out a video of the story after the jump.

NFL: Three Teens Stabbed, One Dead Celebrating Ravens Super Bowl Victory

Oh, this is so sad. C’mon people! It’s not that serious!!! It’s football, it’s a celebration. Why would 3 teens get stabbed and one dies?! SMH. We have to do better. Story after the jump…

(Video) This Is Why Everyone Dressed As Santa Yesterday!

I’m sure a lot of people were wondering why all of social media was taken over by their friends dressed up as Santa Claus and wondered why.  Well everyone dressed up as Santa to parade the New York streets and well drink, why else! SantaCon took place yesterday and NYC was flooded by drunken holiday spirit.  Hit the jump for a couple videos of the drunken Santas. Steph B

(Photos) Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade 2012!

The tradition of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade 2012 was in full effect this year and all of  our favorite characters marched through Manhattan as thousands of people watched.  This was 86th year that the personalized balloons made their way down the city streets. If you weren’t able to attend, hit the jump for some pics! Steph B

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