(Video) Donald Trump Supporting Tow Truck Driver Leaves A Disabled Woman Stranded Because She Supports Bernie Sanders

These Donald Trump supporters are honestly THE ABSOLUTE WORST. A tow truck driver was called to help a woman after her car broke down. As he spotted a Bernie Sanders sticker on the front and back of the car, he told the woman, who by the way is disabled, that he could not tow her.

(Video) Complete Fail! Dude Tries To Drive His Car Off Tow Truck & Makes It Worse!

Seriously, just take the L. He took two after he pulled this little stunt and screwed everything up lol. Hit the jump.

(Video) LOL! Car On The Tow Truck Pulls Off With The Tow Truck!

This should be a car commercial, just not sure which car it is, or where this is exactly, but anyone ever in this position(of being on the tow truck, has wanted to do just that, take off with with the truck in tow!!

(Photos) Wow, Good Thing President Obama Wasn’t In His Limo When This Happened!

Before President Obama arrived in Israel today, the limo that was to transport him (known as “The Beast”) ended up with an issue and had to be towed to Tel Aviv. Reports say that the limo driver gave it the wrong kind of gas, but the Secret Service isn’t confirming. Thankfully Obama wasn’t in the vehicle at the time! He was later spotted in a different, backup vehicle.

(Video) Caught On Tape: Man Intentionally Run Over By Police Tow Truck

Sadly, this Venezuelan man died during police attempts to secure voter logs from a recent vote. The video is after the jump. Funk Flex Find Flex On Google+

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