(Photos) Unemployed ? Man Who Handed Out His Resume At Train Station Now Hiring At Very Same Stop

Unemployed ? Man Who Handed Out His Resume At Train Station Now Hiring At Very Same Stop. Unemployment sucks no matter who you are. College grad, actress, single mother/father. College Grads are sometimes plagued with the worries of the “Real World”; especially if you don’t have a job before you graduate. Sending out hundreds of mails a day and updating your cover letter every other second can be frustrating and annoying. Not to mention the long application process some of these jobs require.” The CVMAN decided to take a unique approach to his job search. Find out what he did to land a Marketing/Public Relations position after the jump.

SMH: America’s Youth Unemployment Rate Is The Worst!!!

Compared to other wealthy large economies around the world the U.S. is last in youth employment. The reason why many youths across the United States are not being hired is because the job market is very competitive at the moment. Youths coming out of school between the ages of 25 and 34 are competing with those who have recently lost their jobs. Now everyone is fighting for the few positions that are out there leaving the youth of America without a job because most companies will take the experienced over the college graduate with no experience. Check out what else is causing high youth unemployment in America.

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