God of War: Ascension Brothel Teaser (NSFW)

For This scene Kratos has time for some love and not war

Tech Talk Spotlight: Check Out Todays 3/7/13 Top @Viddy Videos

Check out todays best viddy vids

Windows Surface Tablet Officially Labeled A Dud !!!!

Poor Microsoft haven’t been to move any units with its Surface Tablet. So everyone has offically labeled it a dud in the smartphone market. And we could see Microsoft giving the Tablet the R.I.P. treatment real soon. Ars Technica’s Peter Bright wrote nobody wants the device and are avoiding the tablet as much as possible. This might be Microsofts most disappointing product since Windows Vista. “In spite of having all the working parts of Windows 8, however, it can’t (officially) be used to run desktop applications, even if the developers of those applications are willing to recompile for the ARM processor,” Bright writes. “Instead, all applications must come through the Windows Store, and be built using theWinRT API.” Does Windows have a chance in the Tablet market?

Facebook May Charge For Ad Free Experience

The days of having a free Facebook maybe over. Facebook is looking to introduce a monthly subscription fee option that users would have to pay to avoid ads. The option would “replace advertisements or other elements that are normally displayed to visitors of the user’s profile page that are otherwise controlled by the social networking system”. The chances of someone paying for an account on Facebook would seem a little much since its been free so long, unless Facebook plans on hitting accounts so many ads Facebook users wouldn’t have option but to pay for the ads to be removed. Why the change, Facebook is under pressure from investors and Wallstreet to bring in more revenue and this might be the way to do it. According to insiders the feature would make Facebook a more friendly experience.

New Hangover 3 Poster Hits The Net!!!!

It looks like Warner Bros. is ready to push the final installment of the Hangover trilology. Yesterday the company released a new poster for the movie which drops memorial day weekend. Warner also says lookout for a new trailer to drop today. For now check out the poster

Disney Announces Temple Run: Oz the Great and Powerful Game, Releases Trailer

First the makers of Temple partnered with Disney  and released the successful spin off of Temple, called Temple Run Brave. Now the makers are looking to recreate the same success with Temple Run: Oz. Both companies announced the release of the new game by dropping the trailer earlier today. Once released the game will not be free but it will only cost .99 cents in iTunes. Check out the trailer after the break.  

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