Companies with big brands will soon be able to create their own domain, giving them their own part of the web.  Companies such as Apple and Coke will have their sections of the web.

@Youngjohnnybravo @Tatwza

Companies like Coke and Apple will be able to have their own domain space by using their brand names as the domain.  Instead of using the current format of .com .net companies will be able to use their own name. So apple would be able to use .apple as their domain format.  This move would give companies more power as to how they drive traffic on their sites and how they would market to customers .  Apple already has a great marketing scheme if given their own domain, who knows whats possible.  Companies Such as RIM could use a boost in marketing as their Blackberry device has fell on hard times .  Until then we have to see if the idea is approved first, if approved the internet is going to be a marketers dream.