This could be serious, since the world(as we know it) is moving toward WiFi everything, You Mos Def want or have a WiFi Router in your house, but is your Info secure, Well Matbe not, Hit the Jump.


If you are using a WPS Security Protocol on your Router as opposed to say WPA2, you could be in trouble. Some People use WPS because it has an 8 digit pin, or key, so it’s supposed to have like 100 Million possibilities, which is pretty F’n hard to crack, But Security researcher Stefan Viehbock, has done some testing and has found a security Hole! Apparently the more someone try’s to bust your code, the closer they get, with each attempt, the router will send a message stating whether the first four digits are correct while the last digit of the key is used as a checksum and then given out by the router in negotiation. As a result, the 100,000,000 possibilities that the WPS should represent becomes roughly to 11,000.

Apparently Viehbock has holla’d at the different router companies, but since the Flaw is not public, they don’t care, So he is going to make a Brut force tool, to expose the flaw and Make the companies fix the issue, which Should make us more secure. For Now, Do not Use, or set up the WPS Protocol, and you’ll be less likely to get Hacked!!!