There has been a lot of buzz about Christopher Nolan’s upcoming movie The Dark Knight Rises including which villains will be featured in the film. Nolan announced that he would not cast Heath Ledger’s Joker and that his upcoming movie would feature Tom Hardy as Bane and Anne Hathaway as Catwoman. Now a secret villain has been confirmed! Find out who which villain it is and who will be playing it after the jump!


actress Joey King has confirmed it!!

In the Dark Knight Rises, there will in fact be a young Talia al Ghul!!!

Joey explains:

“I play young Talia al Ghul. I can’t give too much away because I promised Mr. Nolan I wouldn’t say anything. There are too many secrets about the character and the movie.”

As far as Marion Cotillard playing the adult Talia… well… that has yet to be confirmed, but we’re totally betting on it.
