The screams and cries heard on the disturbing 911 call that was place right before George Zimmerman shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin have been proven not to below to George Zimmerman. Zimmerman has claimed that Trayvon attacked him and beat him and it was his screams heard on the tape but audio analysts have concluded that it is not. Unfortunately, there is no way to prove the screams below to Trayvon but it adds more evidence to the fact that Trayvon did not attack Zimmerman like he claims because if he did, Zimmerman would be the one calling for help. Hopefully this audio analysis along with proof that Zimmerman was not bloody or bruised after his arrest will put an end to Zimmerman’s claim that Trayvon attacked him first. Read more below.


Before George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin on February 26, a 911 call recorded the voice of someone screaming. Whether that person was Martin or Zimmerman — who police say claimed he was attacked by Martin before the fatal incident — has been an open question since the calls were released by the Sanford, Florida police department. (WARNING: Above audio is disturbing.)

The Orlando Sentinel consulted two voice experts to try to settle the debate, and both came to the same conclusion: The cries could not have come from George Zimmerman.

One expert, Tom Owen, used voice identification software to rule out Zimmerman as the source. From the Sentinel:

“I took all of the screams and put those together, and cut out everything else,” Owen says.

The software compared that audio to Zimmerman’s voice. It returned a 48 percent match. Owen said to reach a positive match with audio of this quality, he’d expect higher than 90 percent.

“As a result of that, you can say with reasonable scientific certainty that it’s not Zimmerman,” Owen says, stressing that he cannot confirm the voice as Trayvon’s, because he didn’t have a sample of the teen’s voice to compare.

Another analyst came to a similar conclusion using different technology.

The voice analysis is the latest piece of information to cast doubt on the narrative, advanced by Zimmerman and his family, that the Neighborhood Watch volunteer was attacked by 17-year-old Travyon Martin. A police video this week showed no blood or bruises on Zimmerman in the aftermath of the incident, while Martin’s funeral director said he saw no signs of a struggle on the teen’s body.
