Jean Simon, 55, killed Lakeshia Seymour his 18-year-old step daughter in July 2011. After Seymor accused Simon’s of sex abuse allegations he angrily cornered her on their canaraise porch and mercilessly pummeled her head with a wielding hammer! The saddest part of this story is that the family watched! I am not sure why they did not stop him but her mother said she believes the devil came over her former husband, “You killed her to keep her mouth shut and now the whole world knows,” the victim’s mother Carlene Seymour, 46, said in a letter read by the prosecutor in Brooklyn Supreme Court.
“It took us 18 long years to raise her into the beautiful young lady she was,” the mom added. “You allowed the Devil to dwell in you and took her away from us in only five minutes.” After he killed Seymor he got into a car accident making it look like a suicide attempt. He was sentenced to 23 years in jail.


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