Researchers from the University of Colorado recently discovered a way to reset your internal biological clock. The week long study was also used to turn the sample group of 30-somethings into morning people as well. Check out how after the jump.

The researchers found that the more time that the group spent exposed to the natural light and less in artificial, their bedtimes and waking times shifted two hours earlier. Despite the shift, their hours slept remained the same.

The results were discovered during a week long camping trip. Associate professor, Kenneth P. Wright, Jr. noted that those that were used to staying up later, changed their habits with the hep of nature. While wearing bracelets that monitored light exposure, the group refrained from artificial light. Meaning that they were not allowed to use computers, flashlights, and mobile phones, but only sunlight and campfires.

This isn’t the first time that residents of Colorado were able to “experiment” with nature. If camping isn’t your thing, the group suggests allowing more natural light and reducing artificial light. Or, simply migrate some of your day’s routines outside.

Jamaal Fisher
Daily News