Fans of basketball know by now to expect Charles Barkley to always give you something to talk about. Never one to bite his tongue on his opinion, Chuck took a shot at Amare Stoudemire earlier this week while doing an interview. The inner Knicks fan in me doesn’t want to agree with him, but the realistic basketball fan inside knows he might be right. Hit the jump to see what he said.


Barkley said:

“You all in trouble with Amar’e. I like Amar’e as a person, but I don’t see him doing anything in the NBA, to be honest with you. I think he has lost his skill. He lost his talent.”

“He played the game on talent when he was younger,” Barkley added. “He played the game 100 percent on talent. And now he has lost his talent and he is in serious trouble.”

Amare really has not played much so far this season. He has been averaging 11 minutes a game, but already had a to miss a game to pretty much rest his body. When he is on the court it does not look too good. Chuck also added “He is a 7-foot jump shooter who is not a good rebounder, not a good defender. He can make some shots periodically, but the problem with the Knicks has always been on the other end of the court on defensive rebounding”. I love Amare as well, but it does seem the end is near for him, unless he gets 100% healthy via some miracle.