
Benihana vs Benny Hunna in a Epic Name War
Benny Hunna, neé Benny Hodges is from Mississippi and. has been fighting to trademark his handle because he has some real big plans besides the music industry business. He says he wants to build an entertainment empire called Benny Hunna TV Real Plans on big moves.

Benihana vs Benny Hunna in a Epic Name War
Although it may seem like Benny Hunna has it all planned out , a shrimp flipper from around the way by the name of Benihana, DOES NOT want anybody mistaking a guy who slings rhymes with a chef who slings rice balls so the shrimp slinging chef is currently trying to force the Mississippi rapper Benny Hunna to drop his stage name.

Benihana vs Benny Hunna in a Epic Name War
But according to some of the court documents the rice ball prophet, Benihana wants the U.S. Patent & Trademark office to deny his application for fear Mr. Benny Hunna will create confusion in the market place. Which is was really sparked off the whole Benihana vs Benny Hunna in an Epic Name War that’s debatable, since Benny Hunna currently has less than 300 Twitter followers. The matter could be settled in court early next year of 2015!

Oh and here is a Fun Fact: Benny Hunna is street for a hundred bucks …. So you know Benny’s all about that Motha F**kin MONEY!!!!
