Rapper Faces Prison for Album Lyrics

50 Cent’s been quoted as saying “try not to say nothing the D.A. might want to play in court.” While some escape the target of the American justice system, many don’t, and now one San Diego artist is sounding off in loud defense. Quoted from his CNN interview Tiny Doo the Rapper Says California Prosecutors Are Trying to Eradicate Black Men and are using his music against him in court. He has no criminal record.

Brandon Duncan aka Tiny Doo of San Diego is the Rapper Says California Prosecutors Are Trying to Eradicate Black Men and has taken to media to publicize his innocence and perspective. He faces 25 years to life imprisonment for what the state of California alleges is him benefiting from gang activity as well as glorifying it in his music. Prosecutors say Tiny’s music crosses the line between “creative license and conspiracy.”

“…if convicted under a little-known California statute that makes it illegal to benefit from gang activities. The statute in question is California Penal Code 182.5. The code makes it a felony for anyone to participate in a criminal street gang, have knowledge that a street gang has engaged in criminal activity, or benefit from that activity. It’s that last part — benefiting from criminal activity — that prosecutors are going after the rapper for.”

Prosecutors say he and 14 other alleged gang members “increased their stature and respect following a rash of shootings in 2013.” His charges include 9 counts of criminal street gang conspiracy (they not playing!!!). Rapper Says California Prosecutors Are Trying to Eradicate Black Men and Tiny Doo’s already spent eight months in prison.

No one claims to have seen or heard Tiny Doo ever pull a trigger, but his “No Safety” album–penning lyrics like “Ain’t no safety on this pistol I’m holding” are being used as examples of a “direct correlation to what the gang has been doing.” (WOW…) The prosecution is also boasting their use of “social media evidence” that Tiny is gang related. (WOW!)

Tiny says the studio is his “canvas” and he’s “painting pictures, not telling anyone to go out and kill.” He would love to continue rap, “but these people have you scared to do anything around here.” (SMH). Hold ya head Tiny Doo.

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