HBO has a hit on it’s hands with the show “Ballers” which follows the lives of fictional NFL players both on and off the field. As they gear up for season two, the shows creators, Mark Wahlberg and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson have been slapped with a lawsuit by two people claiming the entire idea and show were stolen from them.


Everette Silas and Sherri Littleton say they had the idea for a project called “Off Season” back in 2007. They say they both met with Wahlberg, Johnson and their management teams and were close to a deal in 2009. That deal allegedly fell apart after Silas & Littleton were adamant that their names show up under “created by” in the shows credits.

Silas and Littleton claim “Off Season” and “Ballers” share several similarities, including:

— Both are about football players and their lives off-field
— Both set in Miami
— Both center around African-American athletes

While a show based around African-American athletes is not something new, they also claim the name “Ballers” was stolen as well because it was the name of one of the episodes for “Off Season”.

No word yet from anyone else involved.
