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Madonna probably made the most controversial statement of all time the other day when she said she wanted to blow up the white house. So you’re fighting for a cause for rights, equality, peace, etc., yet you want to do that…

Frankie Zing

The POTUS wasn’t holding back when he said she was disgusting for making those comments against her own country in the video below. I’m sure Madonna didn’t really mean it (I highly doubt she has any actual plans of blowing up our White House), but to even say that on a national platform like a superstar like her has? That’s the lowest of the low…glad to see that you’re encouraging people to spread hate, violence, domestic terror…

And than the part I love is when she tried to “clarify” her comments lol…they were very clear…easy to backtrack after you said what you said, but would she have apologized if she didn’t receive any backlash?

Imagine if a white artist said that about President Obama? They’d probably be exiled…but I guess she’ll set the example that it’s ok because it’s Trump…
