How Low! Joan Rivers Calls Kim Kardashian’s Daughter ‘Ugly’

Horrible! Joan Rivers has picked the wrong mom to mess with, after picking on Kim Kardashian’s infant daughter North during a stand-up comedy show in which she called baby North ‘ugly’ and ‘desperately in need of a waxing.’ Joan explained how she had met the tot when the new mom brought her into the offices of the E! television network, where she hosts Fashion Police. According to, Joan told her audience: ‘That baby is ugly… I’ve never seen a six-month-old so desperately in need of a waxing.’ Horrible!

(Video) Joan Rivers Defends Alec Baldwin By Going On Racial Slur Rant?!

Joan Rivers decided to stand behind Alec Baldwin during his latest controversy involving NBC canceling his upcoming show due to the actor speaking a homophobic slur(s), by pretty much saying every racial slur that came to mind. I’m not sure that fighting fire with fire is a way to get your point across, but apparently Mrs. Rivers does. Check out her rant after the jump and let us know how you feel of her “freedom of speech”

(Video) NBA: Rajon Rondo Appears on E!’s Fashion Police & Joan Rivers Takes a Shot at the Lakers

Boston Celtics guard Rajon Rondo has had a few fashion mishaps of his own but as a former GQ intern he’s picked up a few tips.  Friday evening he appeared on E!’s “Fashion Police” alongside the infamous Joan Rivers.  Read more after the jump.

(Photo) Yikes! Check Out Plastic Surgery Queen Joan Rivers Without Makeup!

Joan Rivers has had plastic surgery a whopping 734 times! 734! Sheesh! And she always has a full face of makeup on while making any appearance but last night during her show with her daughter Melissa, Joan showed off what’s under all that cake. See what the plastic surgery looks like below. Marisa Mendez

Ciara and Rihanna Beef after Ciara’s Comment on Fashion Police with Joan Rivers!!

Another night of Twitter beef…it never gets old man!! Rihanna took offense to Ciara’s commentary tonight when she told Joan Rivers on E!’s Fashion Police that Rihanna wasn’t so nice to her the last time she saw her. Within minutes, RiRi responded to CiCi… and then CiCi responded to RiRi..and shots were DEF been fired!! Check out the twitter war after the jump… @ItsLukieBaby

Controversy Over FOX Show Canceling Joan Rivers

Joan Rivers has been canceled from a scheduled appearance on FOX & Friends Joan says it’s all over a comment she made to TMZ blasting Sarah Palin … but FOX denies that’s the reason. @funkmasterflex

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