(Video) Hillary Clinton Feints At The 9/11 Memorial

Hillary Clinton appeared to have feinted his yesterday at the 9/11 memorial in New York, after there were reports of her feeling “overheated” and “dehydrated”. Video after the jump.

(Video) Donald Trump: “Hillary Clinton Is A Bigot Who Sees People Of Color Only As Votes”

The Donald just went off on Hillary Clinton, like really went off on her, calling the Democratic candidate a “bigot” who is only seeing people of color as votes and not human beings deserving a better future.

(Video/Photos) NBA: Magic Johnson & Samuel L. Jackson Throw Huge Fundraiser for Hillary Clinton

These big wigs are with her.  Magic Johnson teamed up with Samuel L. Jackson and Denzel Washington (not pictured) to throw a massive fundraiser for Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton Releases 2015 Tax Return And Pressures Trump To Release His

Hillary Clinton has just put the pressure on Donald Trump. Clinton has released her 2015 tax return and is now pressuring Trump to release his. Clinton paid an effective federal tax rate of 34.2% last year.

(Video) Killer Mike Says Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Are the Same

Run The Jewels rapper Killer Mike isn’t too pleased with our Democratic and Republican nominees. In fact, he said that both Trump and Clinton are one in the same.

(Video) Omar Mateen’s Father Shows Up To Hillary Clinton’s Rally

Omar Mateen’s father, Seddique Mateen, showed up to support Hillary Clinton at her rally near Orlando recently. Mateen was sitting right behind Clinton as she spoke. Clinton’s team says Mateen was not invited personally. In fact, they had no idea he was even there.

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