(Video) Hip Hop Speaks on Recent Boko Haram Killings in Nigeria

Hip Hop Speaks on Recent Boko Haram Killings in Nigeria as we’re now well into the massacres by the militant group that reportedly have taken over 2,000 lives but has barely made the news. In the same week Nigeria has seen Boko Haram set off a suicide bomb with a 10 year old girl on top of the news that they reportedly drove into the town of Baga and “started firing indiscriminately.”

(Video) Albuquerque Cops Face Murder Charges in Death of Homeless Camper

Albuquerque Cops Face Murder Charges in Death of Homeless Camper for 36 year old James Boyd, who was complying with police before being charged at with a flash grenade, assault rifle, police dog, and ultimately six rounds of shots.

(Video) Charlie Hebdo Releases First Cover Since Terrorist Attack

A symbol of healing, testing the waters or nah? Some say it’s perfect, some say this is why the infamous satire magazine was brutalized in the first place. A few days into the tragic shooting of their Paris, France office that left 12 dead and 11 wounded, Charlie Hebdo Releases First Cover Since Terrorist Attack.

Lupe Fiasco BLASTS Kid Cudi On Twitter ! Calls Him Fake And Disloyal

Lupe Fiasco Blasts Kid Cudi on Twitter Lupe has been droppin bombs on peoples twitter accounts lately, so much shade and we are only 10 days into the new year ! Lupe and Cudi are known to go back and forth on Twitter with there differences , but this time Lupe Fiasco blasts Kid Cudi on Twitter like no other ! Click Read More To Check it Out !

(Photos) When The Hate Don’t Work They Start Telling Lies! Did Politician Mike Huckabee Call Jay Z A Pimp?

When the hate don’t work they start telling lies! Did politician Mike Huckabee call Jay Z a pimp? Hell, if not it sounded very close to it. Mike Huckabee who is promoting his new book, “God, Guns, Grits and Gravy”, which is set to drop at the end of the month, discusses power couple Bey and Jay, it looks like Huckabee had some pretty strong opinions on the duos relationship. Gets deets inside.

(Photos) So That DMX Album IS Really Happening…

Playing with your emotions? Yea, we know. Because, but, they said…and we said..and X said…and Swizz said…right. But apparently “Redemption of the Beast” IS the case. So That DMX Album IS Really Happening…

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