(Photos) The New Yorker Previews MLK, Brooklyn Cop, Garner, Trayvon Cover

Just released was a preview of next week’s MLK holiday cover for the iconic New Yorker magazine, already stirring up controversy. Hitting the newsstands will be epic cover art as The New Yorker Previews MLK, Brooklyn Cop, Garner, Trayvon Cover linking arm in arm, a la the 1965 march from Selma to Montgomery.

(Video) Do We Really Care? #OscarsSoWhite Hashtag Goes Viral

Uproar over “Hollywood White Wash” is upon us but Do We Really Care? #OscarsSoWhite Hashtag Goes Viral due to the apparent lack of diversity in this year’s Oscar nominations. Despite what you might think it’s not people of color doing all the ‘hating’ either…but is this change or just misplaced anger? At this point, do we really care what the Oscar’s thinks?

(Video) What YouTube Stars Are Headed to the White House ???

Get your views up!!!…Reaching out to more young people with an innovative and un-rehearsed interview series, YouTube Stars Are Headed to the White House for #YouTubeAsksObama that will be happening two days after his State of the Union address next Tuesday. So who made the cut? For starters…the “Cinnamon Challenge” chick got in!!!

(Video) Epic Crazy Horse Memorial Still Being Built

Crazy Horse was and is a legendary Oglala Lakota indigenous (aka Native American) warrior–hero. A 500+ foot memorial has been being carved in larger than life stone in his memory since 1948!–in the Black Hills of Custer County, South Dakota. Though we can finally put a face to it, this generation of dedicated builders say they’ll be dead before the epic Crazy Horse Memorial Still Being Built is fully finished.

(Video) NYC Ends Solitary Confinement of Young Adults

Rikers has been known for more than just housing bids by Lil’ Wayne and Bobby Shmurda, it’s also known for its brutal conditions and reputation as “one of the most dysfunctional jails in America.” A little less so now, as NYC Ends Solitary Confinement of Young Adults and in a swift move surprisingly becomes a leader in prison reform for the entire country.

(Photos) Hindu Father and Son Turned Away from “Muslim-Free” Gun Range

Wait, what??? Hindu Father and Son Turned Away from “Muslim-Free” Gun Range in Arkansas this week stating they are South Asian and “just brown.”

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