(Photos) Hmmmm.. Did Wiz Khalifa Subliminally Respond To Amber’s Heart-Felt Post?

When Wiz Khalifa and Amber Rose divorced, I literally felt the pain as if it was my own man who cheated on me. However, Amb recently took to her Instagram page to reveal that she still loves her baby daddy regardless of the tough situations going on in their relationship. She wrote the longest heart-felt message we’ve ever seen from Muva Rosebud, making us all just kind of want to cry and give her a hug. This morning at 7:45 AM, Wiz tweeted out a very sus tweet that raised eyebrows. He said, “Yelling somebody help me usually means nobody is coming to help you.” Now he could be talking about Amber and he could not, but the timing is just too convenient for him not to be subliminally throwing some type of shots at his baby moms. Check out the drama over in the gallery. Let’s hope these two can make it work for the sake of baby Bash and their beautiful relationship we all know and love!

(Photos) Reconciliation In The Works? Amber Makes Wiz Her #ManCrushEveryday

Ugh this made me SO happy! I have been rooting for Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifa ever since those turkey burgers way back when, and this divorce has hurt me as if I’m in the damn relationship! LOL! After a very public split that has been up and down since its announcement to the world last summer, Amber took to Instagram today with the above photo, and had quite the adorable caption to include with it.

(Video) Amber Rose & Blac Chyna Shows Us What Girl-On-Girl Is Really About

HA-LA-RI-US … I’m still stuck on the “is it ever okay for a man to twerk” question. But no, for real … Amber Rose and Blac Chyna had children around the same time, separated from their significant others at the same time, and now, they are getting back to their old stripping habits at the same time. Let’s just say [for now] ‘FINGERING‘ is something that can be taught. Hit the jump for more.

Wiz Khalifa And Amber Rose End Beef For The Sake Of Their Kid

Wiz Khalifa And Amber Rose End Beef For The Sake Of Their Kid. After a bunch of court dates and twitter wars the two have came to a agreement. If you curious to see what Wiz Khalifa and Amber Rose decision was then hop into the post ! #IFWT

(Check The Pics) Amber Rose Close To Naked On A Public Beach!!

#ThirstAlert #WagonAlert What ever alert you want to say, this is the time to say it, your girl Amber Rose hit a beach, and most def was feeling sometime of way!!

(Video) Amber Rose Speaks Out On Khloe Kardashian Beef; “I Don’t Hate Her”

Philly native Amber Rose and Khloe Kardashian recently shared some harsh words with one another via Twitter to lead us to believe the beef was still well-done and sizzling. Amb recently had a sit-down interview with Entertainment Tonight where she revealed she actually does not hate Khloe Kardashian at all. She does explain, however, that she finds it “weird” that Kim Kardashian is married to her ex, Kanye West, who now has a baby with Kim. However, Muva Rosebud says that she wouldn’t mind for them to reach out to her so they could all have a sit-down and talk out their differences. MMMM, do I sense a new E! special coming?! That would be GENIUS! Check out what Amb had to say below.

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