(Video) Dave Chapelle Is Not Here For Donald Trump

There was recently a story going around about Dave Chapelle endorsing Donald Trump. Chapelle has now come out saying he has never did such thing. In fact, he is throwing some major shade at the reporter who started it all. Apparently at Chapelle’s show, he made a statement that lead people to believe he was on Trump’s side.

(Video) Donald Trump Comes For Beyonce And Jay-Z

It’s the day before the election and rather then trying to secure his spot, Donald Trump is spending time coming for Beyonce and Jay-Z. Let’s not forget, Trump pretty much spent most of this election trying to convince the world that he is a good person rather than make us feel like he is secure enough to run the country. Bey and Jay performed at a rally for Clinton and it is truly bothering Trump so much he has to keep talking about it.

(Photo) Trump Supporters Kick The Wheelchair Of A Kid With Cerebral Palsy

This is just awful. Yesterday, during a Trump rally, a young child with Cerebral Palsy was not only kicked out of the rally, but his wheel chair was kicked. J.J. Holmes went to the rally with his mother, Alison, to protest Trump. They were both kicked out of the rally as Trump supporters yelled “USA!” and Trump repeated “Get them out.” Super sick!

(Photos) Eric B. & Rakim Endorse Trump, Then Say They Were Hacked

On Sunday, Eric B and Rakim were trending after a tweet from their official endorsing Donald Trump went viral. They wrote:

“Hillary ain’t speaking the truth. Trump is a business man. What America needs is @ericB in the Presidential cabinet as the Secretary of … [pic of Trump x Pence sign]”

(Video) Donald Trump Rushed Off Stage

Last night during one of Donald Trump’s rallies in Nevada, Trump was rushed off the stage by his secret service. According to Trump someone in the crowd yelled gun.

(Photo) Donald Trump Gets Endorsed By The KKK Newspaper

Donald Trump has been endorsed by the KKK. He hasn’t really been endorsed by any major newspaper besides the NRA and the National Fraternal Order of Police.

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