Driver Who Injured Three Occupy DC Protesters Will NOT Be Charged!

Police said that a driver will not be charged for hitting three people taking part in an Occupy DC protest in downtown Washington on Friday. More details after the jump!! Wendy L.

Auto Talk: Danica Patrick Live NASCAR Announcement Here On #IFWT!!!

Danica Patrick Is announcing Her future at Nascar Live, Hit the Link and find out for yourself to see exactly what her Future with Nascar is!!! Funkmasterflex Find Flex On Google+ Watch Live Video

(Video) Truck Crashes Through Building, Dangles From Third Floor With Driver Still In It

A Department of Sanitation vehicle crashed through the third floor of building in Queens on Wednesday morning, leaving the driver stranded while rescuers rushed to the scene. Hit the jump to see the pic and footage of the truck dangling. Funk Flex Find Flex on Google +

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