Sports: Highlights of the Oprah Interview With Lance Armstrong

So unless you been living under a rock for the past week, then you know Lance Armstrong decided to finally tell the truth about his past in an interview with Oprah Winfrey. The man who seemed untouchable once again seems mortal. For years he has appeared to beat any and all drug testing during his career, even though former teammates and opponents told anyone who would listen that Armstrong himself was the main reason most of his teammates were taking performance enhancing drugs. All those “Tour De France” wins, 7 in all had been stripped away from Armstrong by the World of Cycling and Tour De France officials. The U.S. anti doping agency stripped him of more accolades and banned him from the sport for life. When that happened I actually defended Armstrong. Not so much the man himself, but the fact that we live in a country where it is supposed to be innocent till proven guilty. Even though everyone had certain suspicions that Armstrong did indeed use performance enhancers in the past, he never failed a drug test, so I felt his penalties were harsh. But now suddenly he wants to confess to everything. I am very skeptical as to why now? Why all of a sudden does he feel the need to tell the truth, knowing it is going to lead to all types of lawsuits against him from past foes who already tried to take Armstrong down, or people who actually LOST lawsuits against Lance and had…

(PHOTO) Lance Armstrong Interview Tonight. Oprah’s Here To Help You Find What Channel OWN Is On!

Oprah really wants you to watch her Lance Armstrong interview tonight (9p) and tomorrow (9:30p).  So much so that she took out a full page ad on it and makes sure you can find her channel ‘OWN.’ I will be honest, I have NO clue what channel Own is on, but thanks to Oprah I can now find it (really, a full page ad tho?!) Check out her ad after the jump… GameTimeGirl

Sports (Report): Lance Armstrong Confesses To Using PEDs; Oprah Tweets About Interview

After years of denials, cyclist Lance Armstrong has reportedly admitted to Oprah that he used performance-enhancing drugs. Report after the jump… GameTimeGirl

Sports (Report): Lance Armstrong Apologizes To Livestrong Staff

Today is D-day for Lance Armstrong.  As many have heard by now, Lance is making his way to Oprah today to make a confession — but before he left he apologized to the staff at his Livestrong cancer foundation. Details after the jump… GameTimeGirl

Sports: Lance Armstrong Considering Confessing to Doping Throughout His Career

For more than a decade and with countless cases brought against him, Lance Armstrong has vehemently denied doping during his long successful career as a cyclist.  However this past fall antidoping officials laid out their case against him in hundreds of pages of eyewitness testimony from teammates, e-mail correspondence, financial records and laboratory analyses.  Armstrong was subsequently stripped of his seven Tour de France titles and barred for life from competing in all Olympic sports.  He is now considering finally confessing.  Read more after the jump. Shay Marie

(PHOTO) Sports: Losing Titles For Lance Armstrong Hasn’t Sunk In Yet; Tweets Shameless Photo!

Lance Armstrong was stripped of his Tour de France medals, but officials can’t take these away.  Over the weekend, Lance tweeted a pic that had Twitter buzzing.  Check it out & let us know what you think…. GameTimeGirl

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