A New Remake Of “Carrie” Is On Its Way This Year

Another remake of the cult classic “Carrie” is on its way, but though fans were expecting it this March, it’s been given quite the pushback. It makes a lot more sense with the new date, though! Find out when to expect the Kimberly Peirce remake starring Chloë Moretz below. Marisa Mendez

Robert Zemeckis Cancels Planned ‘Yellow Submarine’ Remake !!!

“You’re always behind the eight-ball when you do a remake” the Back to the Future and Forrest Gump director, Robert Zemeckis said to reporters. The director has dropped his planned remake of the Beatles’ film Yellow Submarine. “That would have been a great one to bring the Beatles back to life, But it’s probably better not to be remade” were his final remarks on his decision. Read more below. Russ B

(Video) Carrie – Movie Trailer Preview

The Remake of Carrie has Hollywood buzzing! Here is your look at the preview of the remakes trailer! Click below to see the preview. Eloisa Melo

(Video) Lifeguards Fired Over ‘Gangnam Style’ Video Remake

Lupe Fiasco & Pete Rock Reconcile Over “T.R.O.Y.” Remake

On Monday night, Lupe Fiasco released a new track off his forthcoming project. The song, “Around My Way,” was over Pete Rock’s classic “T.R.O.Y.” beat, but slightly redone as they couldn’t get the rights to the original. When Pete Rock caught wind of the new version, he was very upset that a song so personal to him had been remade in such a fashion, and took to his Twitter to express his anger not so much toward Lupe but the whole thing in general, specifically the producer. Lupe touched on the topic yesterday during an interview, but now it seems the two have spoke and patched it up and all is well. Details below. Marisa Mendez

(Photo) WTF? The Kardashian Family Makes It Rain!

Wtf could the Kardashians have possibly been up to, throwing money, rocking bandannas, shades and more? Find out what and see the hilarious pic below. Marisa Mendez

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