Tech Talk Study: Did General Motors Have A Good Reason To Close Their Facebook Ad Account??

Right before the big IPO last week GM felt it was a good time to stop paid advertisments on Facebook. Did they have good reason to? Check out this complex study on social media marketing after the jump. ShottaDru X TatWza

NBA: LeBron James Signs Deal With Agency For Digital & Social Media Marketing

Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl Is LeBron James poised to be the next digital agency maven? Apparently, SapientNitro thinks so as the shop has not only teamed up with the Miami Heat superstar and his management firm LRMR to not only re-launch, but have the athlete help expand its digital and social media platforms.

Tech Talk Music: Facebook Makes Some Updates To Fan Pages!!!

Better late than never Facebook! Facebook added some changes which help musicians obtain fans on the social network. Hit the jump to check out the changes. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Tech Talk News: Senators Want Feds to Look into Employers Asking for Facebook Passwords During Job Interviews

Two U.S. senators are asking Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate whether employers asking for Facebookpasswords during job interviews are violating federal law, their offices announced Sunday. @Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA

Tech Take News: Pinterest Updates Terms Of Service

Pinterest is growing up fast: just last week the image-based social network rolled out redesigned profile pages, and now it’s following that up with an updated Terms of Service, Acceptable Use Policy and Privacy Policy that sharpen how the company interfaces on a number of commercial points, as it rides its wave and rapidly reaches and passes 12 million users. @Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Path Updated With Newer UI…

Path for Android has been updated to Version 2.1, which brings a bit of new functionality along with a tweaked user interface. The big change is that Path is now integrated the the Nike+ fitness system. The bad news is that Nike+ is really only compatible with iOS. (More on iOS’ Path 2.1 update here.) So you can view Nike+ GPS running stories, but you won’t be sharing them from Android until the app is rolled out later this year. @Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA

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