Tips On How To Reveal A Sexual Fantasy To Your Partner

Many people have sexual fantasies that they maybe too embarrassed or nervous to share with their partner but if you never share your fantasy how do you know it won’t happen? In most cases, a partner will be willing to at least test out their partner’s fantasy once they get the hard part of talking about it out of the way. Find out some tips on how to reveal your sexual fantasy below. Julie1205

The Do’s And Don’t Of Anger

We all have moments of anger and sometimes we let it get the best of it. We’ve all heard some ways to calm down anger but some of those tips might be misleading. Read some things you should do for anger and something you should avoid when you are angry below. Julie1205

How To Make The Best Of Being Alone For The Holidays

Although many people spend their holidays with family or friends, many people find themselves alone during the holiday whether it’s for work reasons or personal reasons. If you find yourself alone for the holidays, like today, doesn’t mean you have to be sad there are ways to make the best of being alone. Read more below. Julie1205

10 Tips On How To Make A Sex Tape

Sex tapes are nothing new, especially for celebs. I’m sure there quite a few people have thought about turning on their video camera or using their smart phones to record while having sex. There’s a ten tips that you should keep in mind while turning on that little red light and getting to work especially if you want to look like a pro. Check out the tips below. Julie1205

Six Things She Wants You To Stop Doing During Sex!

Fellas, there are a few things that your girl (and mostly all girls for that matter) think you should stop doing. Maybe cutting back on doing these six things will make sex better for both you and her. Not all men are guilty of doing all six things but I’m sure most of you have done at least one thing at one point in time! Find out which six things they are after the jump. Julie1205

Five Sex Moves Women Want But Are Afraid To Ask For

Some women know what they want in bed but are afraid to ask while other women just take charge. Sometimes a woman feel self-conscience or doesn’t want to come off too kinky by asking for certain things while having sex. Check out five moves most women want but are afraid to ask for and how you should ask if they want it after the jump. Thank me later. Julie1205

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