(Video) Plies Talks Life In College, Romance, Trayvon Martin & More

Though it may not always be on the most romantic topic (“Bust It Baby”, “Becky”, the list goes on…), Plies almost always caters to the ladies in his music. And despite his rather goon-like nature, the Florida rapper is a college graduate, and is passionate about current affairs, especially the case of Trayvon Martin. Plies speaks on love, college, Trayvon and more in a new interview below.

The Two Guys Dressed Up In ‘Trayvon Martin & George Zimmerman’ Costumes Put On BLAST!

There are just some things you don’t make a joke of! The Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman incident just so happens to be one of them. This weekend, a photo of three Halloween celebrators went viral, as one white guy dressed as Trayvon Martin wore a black-face and a hoodie with ‘blood-stains’ on it, the woman in the middle – a leprechaun I think – and another fellow who is supposed to be neighborhood watch. Now, the three individuals have been put on blast! Their past coming to haunt them! Hit the jump to find out who these people really are.

(Photo) HORRIBLE:Two Men Dress Up As Trayvon Martin & George Zimmerman For Halloween & Woman Posts Pic

When things like this happen, it truly makes me lose hope in society as a whole. Two white men dressed up as George Zimmerman and slain 17-year-old Trayvon Martin for Halloween, and a woman who was also in the photo with them decided to post the picture on her social media sites for the world to see. The man dressed up as George Zimmerman is wearing a black shirt that says “Neighborhood Watch” and the other guy dressed as Trayvon Martin has black face paint on with a grey hoody that has blood stains on it. DISGUSTING. Ever since the controversial picture hit the web, the internet has been in a FRENZY. Check out the racist and absolutely mortifying photo in the gallery.

(Photos) Florida Crazies FINALLY Approve Changes to “Stand Your Ground” Law!

Florida lawmakers have made some necessary changes to the “Stand Your Ground” law, which has proven to be both controversial and unfair! To read more, click below.

IS George Zimmerman Missing, Or Hiding?!?

So bringing you up to speed in case you previously didn’t GAF, but now do, George smacked his wif..e’s iPad around after she wanted a divorce.

(Photo) George Zimmerman The Next Sandy Hook?!

America knows its only a matter of time before George Zimmerman does it again! His father in law described George as a keg ready to blow, after the Lake Mary Police Department had to be called to settle an incident at his home earlier this week. Now Steve Bracknell, police chief of the Lake Mary police department, agrees and says that Zimmerman will cause a tragic event similar to the likes of the shooting at Sandy Hook or Aurora, Colorado. To read more, click below.

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