I love tech just like you but I don’t need ink to express that love. Well check out some interesting folks who tattooed the name to show its real below.

ShottaDru X TatWza

You’re free to ink whatever permanent monstrosity you want on your body, but when it comes to technology tattoos, be careful! Some tech tats have expiration dates. All technologies will eventually be replaced, but some will be remembered more fondly than others—and some won’t be remembered at all.

Here are a few unfortunately souls who fell victim to having obsolete—or otherwise terrible—tech totems tattooed all over their bodies:

QR Codes
The neat thing is if you hold your phone up to this and scan it you’re sent to a website that just says “I AM A MASSIVE TOOL” in giant blinkytext. I assume.

At least now that Zune is pretty much officially dead you can pass this off as ironic?

Geek Squad
In fairness, it’s entirely possible this person was just branded after falling behind on Best Buy interest payments.

The Blackberry Storm
At least it’s not a PlayBook, I guess?

I know he really regrets this tat now lol.

In fairness, back in 2005 even Rupert Murdoch thought MySpace was a great idea.

Actually, you know what? Screw it. I’d get this tomorrow