This has been an ongoing story involving a Zumba instructor,Alexis Wright, that moonlighted as a prostitute in her own business. She was the owner of a Zumba studio, but couldn’t just remain as that, the hunger for money led her to sell sexual favors for money out of her business. The studio was financed by Mark Strong, a married man that has finally broken his silence about the ordeal.  He gave her the means to support the business and has finally admitted that he too had sex with Alexis, but it wasn’t “for money”.  I don’t know if he realizes that he too had some money in the mix and cosigned the lease even though he says their relationship started off as a business one and they were business partners.  He has since apologized for the intimate relationship, but is facing charges as well for the promotion of prostitution,among other violations.  Alexis Wright is facing charges for accepting money for sex from about 150 men and one woman.

Steph B