Paying by solely relying on facial recognition seems pretty far fetch but in reality we have similar technologies such as Google Wallet that lets you check out by just the swipe of your smartphone. But the company Uniqul doesn’t want you to carrying around anything extra, besides your face that is. Hit the jump for the full story ..

Tat Wza

Uniqul’s idea of no app, no wallet, just your face would be the world’s fastest payment system, 5 seconds to be exact. It would work by just putting your face by the camera so it can scan your face as it matches your face against the database and press OK. Although this is a cool idea not many people are all for this face recognition saying that it is uncomfortable as well as them not being sold on the accuracy of it. A lot of vendors are not crazy about it because of it’s high fee rates but you never know it may become relevant sooner than you think! Click Here to see the official press release.
