Yesterday I posted a story explaining why Carmelo Anthony lost weight according to his trainer,  Idan Ravin.  In an interview with the New York Post, he went into greater detail saying not only does Anthony want to lengthen his career, he also wants to be mentioned alongside LeBron James and Kevin Durant.

Shay Marie

When LeBron James and Carmelo Anthony entered the league the two were often compared to each other.  11 years later and there’s a clear distance between them with LeBron clearly being the best player in the league.  Not only has Anthony fallen in the ranks, Kevin Durant has emerged and garnered more praise than him as well.  Anthony is ready to change that.

“Amazing people have been hired over there and he wants to come in as the leader and a top-three player in the world,’’ Ravin told The Post, adding Anthony wants the Knicks to follow his lead. “If [he’s] being meticulous, you should not just follow [his] word, but follow [his] actions.’’

The trainer, whose other full-time clients are Chris Paul and J.R. Smith, said Anthony’s dedication has been astounding. He said there was no specific diet regimen, though eliminating carbs is a staple.