Emoji Art Cray

Wiz Khalifa and Chief Keef Portraits Made Out of Emojis is the latest of online apps allowing users to make emoticon masterpieces. The rappers took to Instagram once the creations surfaced and have been streaming over the social web since. People been really building their ‘skills’ with emoji art, from everything from Kim K to Dragonball Z!

Upon first look the Wiz Khalifa and Chief Keef Portraits Made Out of Emojis need to have background music because it seems like an epic amount of time, artistic eye and calculation was put into the random endeavor. While they’re still pretty dope and no doubt a creative-digital symbol of the present, further investigation reveals there’s plenty of not-so-epically-challenging ways we can all get in.

The Wiz Khalifa and Chief Keef Portraits Made Out of Emojis were made from a website similar to that of emoji.ink, a site that allows you to use an emoji library to make an unlimited amount of combinations and tools to create an impressive finished product. The attention on this is growing and many celebrities have been on it.

Wouldn’t be surprised to see pieces like the Wiz Khalifa and Chief Keef Portraits Made Out of Emojis by @yungjake being sold at an art gallery or used as mixtape/album art pretty soon.

Check the gallery for emoji art gone cray!

Emilia A. Ottoo: OG || Twit || Pin
