(Check The Pic!) See How Girls At Comic Con NYC 2011 Let It Hang Out!!!!

I heard a report on the Radio(Not The Normal Station) about how There were Way More Women at the NYC Comic Con 2011, than Previous years, and I have to say that’s Correct, They also said The Women weren’t Dressed as Nerdy as the Guys, Well That’s kinda true Too, The Young Lady after the Jump Was Dressed Up, but YOu have to How She’s ‘Hanging’!!!! WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Out & About: @TatWZA’s Trip To Comic Con NYC!!!

I Have to tell you, This Was Event Everybody should see in there life time, But for Now The Geeks, Nerds, Gaming Freaks & Techies(Like Me!!) Rule this Event!!!!! Hit the Jump IF you’re interested! WZA on Google+

(Photo) Olivia Munn Dresses Up As Sailor Moon At Comic Con

Olivia Munn fulfilled a lot of fellas fantasies this weekend when she dressed up as Sailor Moon at Comic-Con in San Diego, Cali. Hit the jump to see the full pic!! @ItsLukieBaby

Alexander Skarsgard Brings New “True Blood” Preview To Comic Con

Alexander Skarsgard, who plays vampire Eric Northman, on HBO’s hit show “True Blood,” debuted a new preview of this season of “True Blood” while at Comic Con. The preview looks so insane! As some of you may know, a major character will be dying this season and people have a few theories on which character will not be returning but this preview makes it even harder to figure out who dies! The preview also shows what some fans, including myself, have been waiting to happen for since season 1. Watch the preview after the jump. @Julie1205

(Photos) The First Images Of The “Hey Arnold!” Movie Shown At Comic-Con

This one is for the 90’s babies. Nickelodeon is planning to air a “Hey Arnold” movie called “Hey Arnold!: The Jungle Movie” in 2017! Its lit. The very first official look at the movie just came out recently at Comic-Con. Check it out after the jump.

(Photos) NBA: Dwight Howard Steals The Show At Comic-Con Dressed As Predator

Conan O’Brien may have already won Comic-Con when he made the trip to the San Diego comic book convention in costume as the fire-spewing guitar shredder from “Mad Max: Fury Road,” but NBA superstar Dwight Howard is doing his best to keep up.

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