(Caught On Tape) Mosquito’s Swarm In Alaska!!

Occurring annually in the spring and summer, mosquito “swarms” are not uncommon in Alaska. This time of year is when the bugs hatch. The amount hatched is usually dependent on the weather and given this year being one of the warmest years in history, it led to more mosquitoes. Check out the video after the jump.

*Updated* (Video) NFL: Eagles WR Riley Cooper Caught On Tape Saying, “I Will Fight Every N—– Here”

It really makes me sick to see something like this.  I would like to believe that people don’t act this, but they do. SMH.  I wonder how Riley Cooper will explain this in the locker room?!  There is no defending this type of behavior. It’s just unacceptable. The Eagles WR was caught on tape at a Kenny Chesney concert saying, “I will fight every n*gger here.” Check it out & let us know what you think…

(Video) Man In Italy Captures Inside Of Tornado On Camera!!

One man in Italy was lucky enough to catch footage of the inside of a tornado as it passed his office recently in Italy. Luckily, the man had enough sense to move away from the windows as the debris got closer. Hit the jump to see the video.

(Video) LOL!! Tennessee Man Dances To Aretha Franklin With A WHAT???!?!

Hailing from Tennessee, Mark Brown hit the web hard. He’s seen on video dancing to Aretha Franklin’s “Chain of Fools” with a raccoon. This is pretty cool, but he doesn’t do a good job combating stereotypes — like, the one about a certain group of people having no rhythm. Either way, it’s extremely entertaining. Check it out after the jump.

(Caught On Tape) Whoa!! Swerving Driver Almost Hits A Guy In The Crosswalk!!!!

It was a close call for a man attempting to walk a crosswalk. As he began to walk, a car drifts inches away from him. What’s crazy is that he doesn’t even move. Good thing for him, because the car only manages to graze one of the tires he’s holding. Check out the video after the jump.

(Video) Girl Tries To Rush Stage At Nelly Concert; Gets Jumped By Security?!?

This video will have you saying, “Was Nelly really worth it?” A fan tried to rush the stage at a Nelly concert and was handled as if she was actually dangerous. The girl gets thrown down with security really tying her down. Was this necessary? This is definitely excessive. Check out the video after the jump.

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