Snake Venom Used To Treat Cancer, Diabetes

According to scientists, snake venom could help find a cure to cancer. Snake are able to convert their venom back into harmless molecules. The ability for venom to convert back into harmless molecules could be significant in finding drugs to combat cancer and diabetes. Click below to read more. Jason J.

Scientists Close To Reaching Vaccine That May Prevent AIDS!

After all the years and millions given to AIDS research scientists are now saying that a vaccine may be withing reach!  Although they have not been able to come to a conclusion with a specific vaccine they have hope and know it is possible.  Hit the jump to see why it is possible. Steph Bassanini

FOOD: 9 Foods to Cure a Hangover

Everyone has their own goofy hangover “cure.” I actually always eat a slice of bread when I’m hungover, thinking it will soak up the liquor, LOL. But there are actual scientific reasons why these foods will help ease the hell of your hangover. Check them out below! Caasi Cofer

Researchers Close to Creating Vaccine to Cure Addictions to Smoking, Drugs and More

If this really went through, it would be such an amazing thing for addicts around the world! Read the details below. Marisa Mendez

Scientists Discover Virus That Kills All Types Of Breast Cancer ‘Within Seven Days’

Penn State College of Medicine scientists have said that they discovered a virus that could kill all kinds of breast cancer within seven days of first introduction! Read more after the jump. Funk Flex Find Flex On Google+

Hope For Prostate Cancer Patients Grows As Pioneering Drug Proves So Successful, They Have Already Stopped The Trials!!

Hopes are high as medics have stopped giving out trials of a powerful alpha radiation drug because it has appeared to be successful on hundreds of people already. More details after the jump!! Wendy L.

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