(PHOTO) Boxing: Awww, Giving Back! Bernard Hopkins (@THEREALBHOP) Passes Out Turkeys With His Daughter

Tis the season!  There’s always so many negative or drama filled stories about athletes so when I see a positive one, I must share it!  Earlier today, Bernard Hopkins and his daughter handed out turkeys for Thanksgiving!  Can you feel the holiday spirit yet?!  🙂 Check it out…

NFL: OJ Simpson’s Manager Comes Forward & Says That Khloe Kardashian Is OJ’s Daughter

Here we go with this rumor again.  Most of us have heard it for years — that Khloe’s real dad is OJ Simpson.  Well now someone with some inside knowledge is speaking on the rumor,  O.J. Simpson‘s manager, Norman Pardo.  Until I see a test, I’m not believing anything.  Report after the jump…

(Warning*Graphic*Video) Caught On Tape: Mom Jumps In Fight To Beat Up Girl

Beyond disturbing to say the least! As it 1st appears 2 girls fighting over a dude, and a ‘Mom’ seemingly supervising her daughters fight skills, which is bad parenting from the jump, but then the ‘Mom’ stops the fight because of shirt pulling’, only to start fighting the girl herself!

(Video+Photo) Horrible! Man Posts Pic Of Daughter To FB Just Before Murder/Suicide

This is one of those posts that made me feel some type of way while gathering information. As a dad I can’t even understand how thoughts like this enter a man’s head, but then again I’m not crazy, psychotic, or deranged.

NFL: Here’s How Aaron Hernandez Is Keeping a Relationship with His Daughter

He may or may not be a killer, but Aaron Hernandez does have a heart when it comes to his daughter & he’s trying to stay in her life as much as he can from behind bars.  According to a new report he is parenting her through the jail phone.  Details after the jump…

Is That All?! Chilli Has What To Say About Peeble’s Daughter, Ashley Reid?

In biopic’s past, TLC’s perception of their lifestyle in the 90s included a certain former manager. In recent tweets, that former manager’s son and daughter have MUCH to get off of their chests. Ashley Reid has been going off, sending idle threats and everything chil’. Why is Chilli being singled out – who knows, but home-girl went on U-Stream, suggested that the singer gave her father fellatio (while still married to her mother), and flat out called her a LIAR. After all of THAT, Chilli responds. Hit the jump and check it out.

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